We are determined to respect and safeguard the environment we live in;  for our production cycle we promote and select recyclable materials and parts to reduce industrial waste.

We are committed to implement low-emission production processes for contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly manufacturing system that also includes the recycling possibility of materials at the end of their life cycle.

Our research team constantly finds the most suitable long-lasting material to increase products’ life. Our engineers strive to find innovative solutions for increasing products’ strength while reducing weight and consequently CO2 emission.

On the social side, we are continuously striving to improve passion and dedication among our teams to reach company’s goals. We respect and apply the use of the “Code of Conduct” throughout internal management and supply chain.

We strive to find innovative products and manufacturing solutions while remaining reliable and flexible and working with enthusiasm on shaping the future. We master today’s ongoing changes with confidence in our skills and proven knowhow.

commiting to sustainability

Increasingly sensitive to the impact caused on the environment in which it operates, Clerprem is taking a step towards his commitment by improving and developing a concrete path in sustainability, stating the same effort in the corporate “Environmental Policy” which has been recently updated.

The effort that the company is constantly placing on environmental protection has been further renewed. The recent decision giving the go-ahead to the installation of new photovoltaic panels is a clear example.

This project will enable the company to produce its own electricity. A percentage of this energy will be dedicated to self-consumption, about 83% (1,250,000 kWh annually), and a percentage will be given in concession, about 17% (250,000 kWh annually).

This will be an innovation that would require a quite important investment, the one that Clerprem has decided to adopt to concretize its “Commitment to Sustainability.” The idea aims at ensuring a proper environmentally friendly production process, and in general a good conduct for all those company’s activities related to these processes. As a result, value will be created both for the environment and all of the stakeholders involved
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Responsibility Ecology

We believe in empowering the connection with the country territory where we operate and we respect the requirements of each local community.

We are committed to limit environmental impact by using low emission materials and making a smart use of our resources.

Where possible, we optimize production processes by introducing recycled materials, while adopting control systems for monitoring the efficiency of our production processes.

responsibility of production

We aspire to be a sustainable company focusing on value creation. Clerprem’s environmental performance was also awarded in 2015 by Bombardier with the Sustainability Award for remarkably reducing VOC and for making intensive use of reusable packaging.

The whole Group is internationally well-known for investing long-term in eco-friendly products and for using mainly Aluminum for recyclable seats structures and low emission MDI-based PUR for all seats cushions. In the last 10 years, we managed to reduced volatile organic compounds by 80%.

Responsibility of health

We consider Health and Safety as main priorities at the workplace and grants the implementation of requested specific protocols throughout the entire manufacturing processes and provides all necessary protection devices for each individual activity.

We evaluate health risks and safety for our staff and adopt preventive measures and protections devices. we accurately plan goals for improving our system and promote awareness and training by supplying the necessary tools and information. We also encourage our suppliers and contractors to adopt these principles.

Responsibility of social sustainability

We believe that sustainable development is only possible when the generated value is shared with our stakeholders. Clerprem’s strategy is based on the requirement to balance a cost-effective production with an environmental and socially respectful approach.

We fully respect Human Rights and are committed to require our suppliers to follow the same principles. Our employees are treated equally, and we make sure the same opportunities are provided to everyone promoting professional training and growth.

valuing differences

At Clerprem we celebrate our differences because they are a symbol of authenticity and richness. We strive to consolidate a corporate culture based on inclusion and equity.
We aim to develop a culture based on valuing differences and creating an inclusive environment.
We promote diversity within our work teams, equal pay for men and women, and support career advancement opportunities for our employees at all levels of the company regardless of their gender.
We care for each of our employees to be autonomous and comfortable in the environment in which they work.



We consider business ethics a fundamental corporate value. We comply with principles to ensure fairness in all our business activities. We responsibly source raw materials for our products and transparently perform all our business dealings.

We implement appropriate measures and tools for respecting privacy of all our customers, employees, and stakeholders. We conduct business by committing to Non-Disclosure Agreements for granting confidentiality and avoiding improper use of customer’s commercial information also by third parties.

Responsibility of quality

Our main goal is to provide added value to our customers by contributing to their competitiveness and success on the global market.  We are committed to manufacturing and supplying high-quality products that fulfil our clients’ requirements and satisfaction.

All Clerprem group’s companies are sharing the same quality principles, procedures and the same quality manual and are implementing its policy by organizing and maintaining an updated Quality System that defines objectives and specific indicators to constantly monitor its efficiency.