Hello, I am Alberto Vellar
- How long have you been working at Clerprem? How has your career evolved?
I’ve been with Clerprem for 20 years, a career that started out operational in close contact with our products and then matured on the technical and development side.
- What do you do at the moment, how has your role changed over the years?
At the moment, I deal with the technical sales aspect, analysing customer requests on a daily basis from both a technical and cost evaluation point of view.
- What would you recommend to a young person aspiring to reach the position you currently hold?
It seems obvious to say hard work day after day, but that is the only way to know the product in detail in its strengths and try to overcome its weaknesses.
- What are you most passionate about in your work?
On a daily basis, I am passionate about being on the front line, learning about innovations and how the market in which we operate is evolving.
Not least the excitement at the moment of naming, closing and hatting a job that has lasted months.