Gabriel Zamora-Plant Manager Clerprem Mexico

Hello my name is Gabriel Zamora

What’s your position at Clerprem Mexico, Gabriel?

I am Plant Manager at the Clerprem plant located in Huamantla.

What do you like about your job and about Clerprem MX?

About my job, I like the influence I have to land a vision where the community grows and improves day after day. The empowerment of people and right push to motivate a team to perform better and better. About Clerprem, I like the community style that has being built up where people can interact and hear their ideas and points of view and mutually learn from each other so together they can reach an objective. It’s a place where you know the team has your back covered.

What is your inspirational quote that you always bring with you in your heart?

“This too shall pass”. No matter where in your life you are, if you are very successful in the moment, or if you are having big troubles, always remember that “this too shall pass”, so keep doing what you are doing to be fine, or do different to change your situation for good, but always do something.

Gabriel Zamora