Ronny Richter – Germany Plant Manager

1) Which position do you occupy at Clerprem DE, and which aspects do you love about your job?

I am the plant and branch manager here in Germany, Neustadt in Saxen. It is a challenge every day to skillfully put the threads together. I also like working with people from different positions, perspectives and views, these make live colorful and awake your mind.

2) What project are you recently carrying out in Germany?

We have a lot of projects to manage with different customers. Every project and every Customer has his own peculiarities, it’s one ups and downs. That’s real live!

3) How is it to work with an Italian based company?


4) Which is your motto that motivates you everyday, would you like to share it whit us?

Look ahead. Life goes on, every second, every minute, every hour, every day… Doesn’t matter what happens, look ahead. If you are falling, stand up, take your crown on your head, clean your clothes, go ahead and take the persons next to you with you. Acknowledge your heart, your life, your emotions, your love; be aware of yourself and people around you… feel it, feel yourself (even its “hurts”).

Always look ahead, think positive and forward and don’t forget to smile 😉.

“Sometimes life is like driving a fast car on highway, directed to the horizon. You must never forget to check in the back mirror to make sure of the path you took, who is on the traveler seat and where you come from”