1) What is your job?
I follow the production of French and Swiss railway seating systems in the Cumiana plant: I work closely with the Quality, Technical and Logistics Departments in Carrè. I make sure that the seats are produced and sent in the right timings and in compliance with the terms of the clients.
2) Which challenges do you face everyday?
I feel like a juggler: deadlines to respect, problems to solve and scheduling plans. It’s a very different environment for me: I’m an architect and used to work in a studio. These experience helped me develop a good attitude towards problem solving. I am also a mum of 3 children under the age of 6; a good gym and nice challenge.
3) If you could give your younger self a piece of advice, what would it be?
I would tell myself to not fear of change and get into new experiences if I feel I have the qualities to do it. I would push myself to show my worth, to not be afraid to speak up even if there is a man in front of me who is pretending to not hear a woman. In many fields this happens everyday, I am positive that things will change with the new generations and for this reason I will push my girls to not underestimate themselves in front of anyone and I will teach my son to respect equally everyone he faces.