We like to make a difference when we can
We have this matter at heart. It’s not the first time that we support breast cancer prevention tests, we are also very active in other countries as well with this campaign.
We have offered free echography and mammographies to women of our local community, here in Carrè.
It is very important for us to create awareness between young women and to give the medical support to the ones in need.
“This initiative has already had a positive social impact. Starting from the support given to it by the productive activities of the territory. A project that strengthens social cohesion and rediscovers a community capable of taking care of each others. Bringing together the Municipal Administration, Companies, women and families in this initiative means, especially for us, to create a network of interpersonal relationships that strengthens the territory. The culture of prevention, linked to the territory, is also a central component for building efficient healthcare.”
Says our local news paper- Il Corriere del Veneto